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Tricky Tykes Terrier Racing
Display Team
Cilyblaidd Manor
Nr. Lampeter
SA40 9QL

T: 01570 480090
M: 07702 090906

  TERRIER HEAVEN!  (continuation)
The sport continued and spread across the country, although usually no one was aware it was going on except those taking part. Even nowadays there is seldom any indication that a terrier race meeting is going on. Occasionally one might spot a piece of cardboard on the side of the road with an arrow pointing into a gateway and the words ‘Terrier Racing’ scrawled on it.
Terrier Racing got its big chance when someone suggested it should be ‘done’ at Crufts, but unfortunately it was a missed opportunity, If you have ever been to Crufts or seen it on TV you can probably imagine how it must have been. There it was, the biggest Dog Show in the Country, shop front for the very best of dogs in the country, all immaculately groomed and impeccably behaved, and into the midst of that turns up a scruffy bunch of totally undisciplined, probably quite smelly, little brats. They came out of farm trailers and the backs of Land Rovers. Then they were let loose from the traps in the ring, chased the lure to the end of the track, which only took a few seconds, and then behaved much as they would in a field. It doesn’t matter if you ‘cock your leg’ in a field. It is a different matter in the hallowed rings of Crufts! But there was worse. We all know that Terriers are motivated by the fun of a chase, but they do have a couple of other equally strong motivations.
  EATING & !
One of those is of course eating, the other is an irresistible urge to ensure the ‘future of their race’ by ‘mounting’ any female dog not quick enough to recognise the evil glint in their eyes. What heaven this was for them, a great big hall jam-packed solid with literally hundreds of very classy potential mates, and many of them from sheltered backgrounds and totally unaware of the wicked ways of these country lads. No way were they going to be caught by their owners, they were off – charging amongst the benches, and through the judging rings – causing absolute chaos.
The Kennel Club Council resolved NEVER again to have Terrier Racing at Crufts, and the sport missed its big chance of official recognition. That was before the days of every home having a TV. Had it been now, then the chaos caused would not only have made hilarious viewing, but no doubt would have given the sport tremendous publicity

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